G.Projector — Map Projections
The current version of G.Projector is 3.4.1, released 2024-12-26.
Version 3.x Changelog
Version 3.4.1: Released 2024-12-26.
- Added Wagner VII "RC" projection (#238).
- Open and save filechoosers retain more state info between sessions.
- Added Tilted Perspective projection (#239).
- Third, plagal rotation in some projections now specified in UI as "Azimuth".
- Use Györffy and Márton derivation for Baranyi IV projection.
- Library: Updated Windows .exe builder.
Version 3.4.0: Released 2024-11-09.
- Added option to "prune" drawing of meridians where they approach the poles.
- Bugfix: Calculation of pole locations in Adams World in a Square I.
- Bugfix: Rendering of parallels on two-hemisphere azimuthals with non-zero third rotation..
- Bugfix: Center latitude field disabled for Airy (Two-Hemisphere) projection.
- Refactored some projections' rendering of elliptic meridians.
- Refactored "oblique ellipse projection" classes to reduce redundant code.
Version 3.3.1: Released 2024-09-30.
- Bugfix: Visibility of plot control palettes during and after import of new source map image.
- Bugfix: Visibility of plot control palettes during and after importing an overlay.
- Enabled zoom-in/out using ctrl/command mouse clicks when plotting American Polyconic, Bonne Regional, Cassini, Rectangular Polyconic, or Transverse Mercator projection.
- Library: Updated echosvg to v. 1.2.3.
Version 3.3.0: Released 2024-08-19.
- Bugfix: Line art parts of PS and PDF were not drawn separate from bitmap part of map.
- Added SVG as an output option, using the echoSVG (v. 1.2.1) library.
Version 3.2.6: Released 2024-07-31.
- Allow for plotting Parabolic projection in interrupted form.
- Bugfix: Save as PostScript did not use papersize specified in preferences.
- Consolidated image-saving code with that of two other apps into a common library.
- Refactored various UI widgets to better use a common library.
- Added View menu item to center map controls palettes over map window, in case any get "lost".
- Library: Updated Apache pdfbox to v. 3.0.2.
- Library: Updated pdfbox-graphics2d to v. 3.0.2.
Version 3.2.5: Released 2024-06-20.
- Open and save filechoosers retain more state info between uses during session.
- Added Renner-Apian (Renner Homalographic?) projection (#237).
- Tweaked latitude of fusion in Bartholomew Tetrahedral projection.
Version 3.2.4: Released, 2024-02-25.
- Added Pseudo-Stereographic projection (#235).
- Added Pseudo-Orthographic projection (#236).
Version 3.2.3: Released, 2024-01-31.
- Added Canters Polyconic W31 and W32 projections (#232, #233).
- Added USGS Daisy projection (#234), as seen in various USGS Astrogeology maps.
- Added Jacaranda-like interruption for continents to interrupted pseudocylindric options.
- Bugfix: Pole-centered fusion "flower" projections ignored specified reference longitudes.
- Bugfix: Calculation of poles of interrupted Goode Homolosine.
- Bugfix: XY→LL method in several projections not catching possible NaN result.
- Bugfix: XY→LL method in several projections did not ignore some XY locations outside map border.
- Bugfix: Lambert-Lagrange response to parameter changes.
- Bugfix: Cassini calculation of max bounds.
Version 3.2.2: Unreleased, 2023-11-30
- Bugfix: Bonne Regional might not honor new center latitude when new center coordinates set.
Version 3.2.1: Released, 2023-10-30.
- Draw meridians of interrupted forms of Mollweide as elliptic arc segments.
- Do not draw interrupted pseudocylindric projection meridians where under gore borders.
- Enabled graticule labeling for interrupted pseudocylindric projections if uninterrupted form is selected.
Version 3.2.0: Released, 2023-10-22.
- Added Double Cordiform projection (#230).
- Refactored Bonne, Stabius-Werner, and conic projections to reduce redundant code.
- Refactored pole-centered fusion "flower" projections to reduce redundant code.
- Refactored many projections' use of temporary graphics objects during projection rendering.
- Bugfix: Meridians not drawn on Central Cylindrical projection if max. latitude less than ±67°.
- Bugfix: Rendering of central meridians on Wagner VII and VII projections and variants.
- Bugfix: (macOS) UI misbehavior with dropdown menus if Mac updated to Sonoma.
- Bugfix: Handling of disabled menu command keystrokes when a palette has focus.
- Bugfix: Visibility of control palettes after saving map as bitmap image.
- Added Bonne Regional projection (#231).
- Refactored drawing of meridians and/or parallels for multiple projections, especially those lines along circular or elliptic arcs.
- Refactored drawing of border lines for multiple projections, especially pseudocylindrics.
- Bugfix: Meridian labels could be missing from about 10 pseudocylindrics that should have been able to display them.
- Refactored Fournier II, Hatano, Loximuthal, and Van der Grinten III projections to subclass from GlobalPseudocylindric and thereby also enabled grid labeling for them.
- Bugfix: Examples of Hufnagel III and I in help pages based on incorrect input parameters.
Version 3.1.1: Released, 2023-08-23.
- Add status bar to various windows and display progress item there for some activities.
- Bugfix: Meridians not drawn on Mercator projection if max. latitude less than ±67°.
- Library: Updated Apache pdfbox to v. 3.0.0.
- Library: Updated pdfbox-graphics2d to v. 3.0.0.
Version 3.1.0: Released 2023-05-30.
- Java 11 is required to run G.Projector.
- Added Eckert I and II projections (#228-229).
- Bugfix: Quiet failure saving output as PDF.
- Re-designed Preferences window.
- Enabled graticule labeling for many pseudocylindric projections.
- Re-positioned meridian labels in cylindric projections.
- Bugfix: Was not displaying macOS native filechooser if on Intel Mac.
- Library: Updated slf4j to v. 2.0.7.
Version 3.0.9: Release 2023-04-28.
- Allow for edge angle > 90° (up to 120°) in Azimuthal Far-Side Perspective projection.
- Added two-hemisphere version of Airy azimuthal projection (#220).
- Bugfix: Border drawing for point-pole pseudocylindric projections with nearly flat curves approaching the poles (e.g., Györffy B).
- Added two-hemisphere version of Ginzburg I and II azimuthal projections (#221-222).
- Added Murdoch I and III conic projections (#223-224).
- Added Euler conic projection (#225).
- Added Vitkovsky I conic projection (#226).
- Added Kavraisky II conic projection (#227).
Version 3.0.8: Release 2023-03-28.
- Added Apian I globular projection (#219).
- (macOS) Provide download specifically for M1/M2 Mac with ARM64 Java.
Version 3.0.7: Release 2023-02-25.
- Added Canters Optimization variant (Canters W01) to Wagner I projection.
- Added Canters Optimization variant (Canters W02) to Wagner II projection.
- Added Canters Optimization variant (Canters W06) to Wagner VI projection.
- Added Canters Optimization variant (Canters W09) to Wagner IX projection.
- Library: Updated Apache pdfbox to v. 2.0.27.
- Library: Updated pdfbox-graphics2d to v. 0.42.
Version 3.0.6: Release 2022-11-19.
- Added Baranyi V, VI and VII projections (#215-217) using Zelenka's method.
- Added Strebe's Sinucyli projection (#218).
- Code cleaning in most ellipse projections.
Version 3.0.5: Unreleased, 2022-07-22.
- Added Cabot projection (#214).
Version 3.0.4: Released 2022-05-25.
- Added Baranyi I, II and III projections (#211-#213), using Zelenka's method.
- Library: Updated Apache pdfbox to v. 2.0.26.
- Library: Updated pdfbox-graphics2d to v. 0.38.
Version 3.0.3: Released 2022-03-27.
- Added projection list to in-app help pages.
- Added Snyder Minimum-Error Pointed Pole (#209) and Snyder Minimum-Error Flat Pole (#210) projections.
- Added Oxford Atlas scaling variant to the Winkel Tripel projection.
- Bugfix: Two scaling parameters were swapped in Wagner IX projection and in most of its variants.
- Library: Updated slf4j to v. 1.7.32.
- Library: Updated Apache pdfbox to v. 2.0.25.
- Library: Updated JDOM to v.
Version 3.0.2: Released 2021-10-08.
- Rewrote version update checker as a Task so that connectivity problems do not block UI.
- Renamed all previously added Frančula variants to Wagner's projections using Jung's numbering scheme.
- Added Frančula II and Frančula VII projections as variants of the Wagner VI.
- Bugfix: Save-to-prefs menu command did not commit projection name.
- Bugfix: Button clicks in palette headers might be ignored for some mouse types.
Version 3.0.1: Released 2021-09-28.
- Bugfix: (Win/Linux) Keystroke for Shading controls palette.
- Minor tweaks to control palettes appearance.
- Bugfix: (Win/Linux) "Quit watcher" could trigger while input options dialog on screen.
- Added Frančula A21 (aka, Frančula XI) projections as a variant of the Wagner VI.
- (macOS): Use default document icons.
- Library: Updated Apache pdfbox to v. 2.0.24.
Version 3.0: Released 2021-08-04.
- Re-designed map controls interface to use palettes (floating windows) instead of tab panes.
- Allow for choice of symbol size if overlay is a multipoint shapefile.
- Preferences re-organized.
- Menu items re-organized.
- Re-worked help pages, including addition of references page.
- Bugfix: (Win) Updated launcher tool, which should reduce "Java 9 not found" issues.
- Library: Updated Apache pdfbox to v. 2.0.21.
- Library: Updated pdfbox-graphics2d to v. 0.31.
For previous updates, see: