GISS Personnel Directory

Dr. Ron L. Miller

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
2880 Broadway
New York, NY 10025 USA

Phone: 212-678-5577
MS: 762

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Recent Publications

Li, L., N.M. Mahowald, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, V. Obiso, R.L. Miller, C. Pérez García-Pando, C. Di Biagio, P. Formenti, P.G. Brodrick, R.N. Clark, R.O. Green, R. Kokaly, G. Swayze, and D.R. Thompson, 2024: Improved constraints on hematite refractive index for estimating climatic effects of dust aerosols. Commun. Earth Environ., 5, no. 1, 295, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01441-4.

Mahowald, N., P. Ginoux, G.S. Okin, J. Kok, S. Albani, Y. Balkanski, M. Chin, G. Bergametti, T.F. Eck, C. Pérez García-Pando, A. Gkikas, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, D. Kim, M. Klose, S. LeGrand, L. Li, B. Marticorena, R.L. Miller, C. Ryder, C. Zender, and Y. Yu, 2024: Letter to the Editor regarding Chappell et al., 2023, "Satellites reveal Earth's seasonally shifting dust emission sources". Sci. Total Environ., 949, 174792, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174792.

Song, Q., P. Ginoux, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, R.L. Miller, V. Obiso, and C. Pérez García-Pando, 2024: Modeling impacts of dust mineralogy on Earth's radiation and climate. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, no. 12, 7421-7446, doi:10.5194/acp-24-7421-2024.

Obiso, V., M. Gonçalves Ageitos, C. Pérez García-Pando, G.L. Schuster, S.E. Bauer, C. Di Biagio, P. Formenti, J.P. Perlwitz, K. Tsigaridis, and R.L. Miller, 2024: Observationally constrained regional variations of shortwave absorption by iron oxides emphasize the cooling effect of dust. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, no. 9, 5337-5367, doi:10.5194/acp-24-5337-2024.

Thompson, D.R., R.O. Green, C. Bradley, P.G. Brodrick, N. Mahowald, E.B. Dor, M. Bennett, M. Bernas, N. Carmon, K.D. Chadwick, R.N. Clark, R.W. Coleman, E. Cox, E. Diaz, M.L. Eastwood, R. Eckert, B.L. Ehlmann, P. Ginoux, M.G. Ageitos, K. Grant, L. Guanter, D.H. Pearlshtien, M. Helmlinger, H. Herzog, T. Hoefen, Y. Huang, A. Keebler, O. Kalashnikova, D. Keymeulen, R. Kokaly, M. Klose, L. Li, S.R. Lundeen, J. Meyer, E. Middleton, R.L. Miller, P. Mouroulis, B. Oaida, V. Obiso, F. Ochoa, W. Olson-Duvall, G.S. Okin, T.H. Painter, C. Pérez García-Pando, R. Pollock, V. Realmuto, L. Shaw, P. Sullivan, G. Swayze, E. Thingvold, A.K. Thorpe, S. Vannan, C. Villarreal, C. Ung, D.W. Wilson, and S. Zandbergen, 2024: On-orbit calibration and performance of the EMIT imaging spectrometer. Remote Sens. Environ., 303, 113986, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2023.113986.

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