Michael I. Mishchenko
Please note that Dr. Michael I. Mishchenko passed away in July 2020. We do not expect that the information presented on these Electromagnetic Scattering research pages will be updated with new data.
Senior Scientist
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
2880 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
Full CV
Google Scholar citations profile
- Ph.D. in Physics (with honors), Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 1987
- MS in Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1983
Research Interests
- Electromagnetic scattering
- Radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres and particulate surfaces
- Terrestrial and planetary remote sensing
- Cloud and aerosol physics
- Direct and indirect aerosol forcing of climate
Editorial Activities
- Editor of 3 monographs
- Guest Editor of 18 special journal issues (1999-2019)
- Editor-in-Chief, Physics Open (2019-present)
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (2006-present)
- Editorial Board Member, Space Science and Technology (2019-present)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Springer Series of Monographs in Light Scattering (2017-present)
- Advisory Board Member, Physics Procedia (2013-2017)
- Editorial Board Member, Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics (2012-present)
- Editorial Board Member, Waves in Random and Complex Media (2004-present)
- Editorial Board Member, Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies (2003-present)
- Topical Editor on scattering theory and meteorological optics, Applied Optics (2000-2006)
- Associate Editor, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (1999-2004)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (1995-2005)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (1991-1992)
Other Professional Activities
- Convener, 18th Conference on Electromagnetic & Light Scattering (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province, China, 2019)
- Convener, 17th Conference on Electromagnetic & Light Scattering (College Station, TX, March 2018)
- Convener, 16th Conference on Electromagnetic & Light Scattering (College Park, MD, March 2017)
- Convener, 15th Conference on Electromagnetic & Light Scattering: Celebrating 150 Years of Maxwell's Electromagnetics (Leipzig, Germany, June 2015)
- Director of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Special Detection Technique (Polarimetry) and Remote Sensing (Kyiv, Ukraine, 12-25 September 2010)
- Organizer of the 10th Conference on Electromagnetic & Light Scattering, 17-22 June 2007, Bodrum, Turkey
- Organizer of the International Conference on Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles (New York, September 1998)
- Member, AGU Fellows Committee, Atmospheric Sciences Section (2007-2012)
- Project Scientist for the NASA Glory Satellite Mission
- Project Manager for the NASA Global Aerosol Climatology Project
- Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator on multiple NASA, DOE, and DOD research proposals
Professional Honors and Awards
- François Arago Award in Polarimetric Remote Sensing (2019)
- NASA Performance Award (2019)
- NASA Performance Award (2018)
- NASA Twenty Year Service Award (2017)
- NASA Performance Award (2017)
- NASA Performance Award (2016)
- NASA Performance Award (2015)
- NASA Performance Award (2014)
- Hendrik C. van de Hulst Award from Elsevier (2013)
- NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal (2012)
- NASA Fifteen Year Service Award (2012)
- NASA GSFC Special Act Award (2011)
- NASA Group Achievement Award (Glory Mission, 2011)
- NASA Group Achievement Award (Earth Science Constellation Red Team, 2011)
- National Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2010)
- Basic Sciences Book Award of the International Academy of Astronautics (2010)
- NASA Quality Increase Award (2010)
- NASA Special Act Award (2010)
- JQSRT Milestone Paper Award from Elsevier (2010)
- Asteroid 22686 (1998 QL53) named "Mishchenko" by the International Astronomical Union (2009)
- Habilitation Doctoral Degree in Physics and Mathematics, The Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (2008)
- NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal (2008)
- NASA Quality Increase Award (2008)
- NASA Ten Year Service Award (2007)
- NASA Performance Award (2007)
- NASA GSFC Special Act Award (2007)
- Arthur S. Flemming Award, George Washington University (2006)
- Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (since 2006)
- NASA GSFC Special Act Award (2006)
- Fellow of The Institute of Physics, UK (since 2004)
- NASA GSFC Special Act Award (2004)
- Fellow of the Optical Society of America (since 2003)
- Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (since 2003) (NASA Press Release)
- NASA Quality Increase Award (2003)
- NASA Group Achievement Award (CRYSTAL-FACE Project, 2002)
- NASA GISS Peer Award (2001)
- NASA GSFC Special Act Award (2001)
- NASA GSFC Job Performance Award (2000)
- Henry G. Houghton Award of the American Meteorological Society (1999)
- NASA GSFC Job Performance Award (1997)
- N. P. Barabashov Award of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (1993)
Publications On-Line
Invited Talks and Lecture Courses
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Michael Mishchenko
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T-Matrix Database
Codes: T-Matrix |
Bidirectional Reflectance |