Dr. Gavin A. Schmidt
AR5 Science Workshop
An AR5 Science Workshop was held in November 2008 at the NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. The workshop focussed on how to improve the science coming out of the multi-model databases being prepared for the Intergovernmental Panel and Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) and the existing CMIP3 database.
Topics for discussion included methods for weighting multi-model ensembles, improvements in database services (including data distribution/documentation/access), the new paradigms for standard experiments included in the AR5 specifications, and the leverage of the CMIP3 experience to inform ongoing model development.
The final report from the workshop is available here.
- Sunday, November 16:
- 6-8pm Unofficial Icebreaker
Henry's, 2745 Broadway (cnr. 105th street) Map
- 6-8pm Unofficial Icebreaker
- Monday, November 17: 8.30am - 5pm (Columbia SW C05)
- 8.30am: Introductions, logistics, workshop goals (Schmidt)
- 9.00am: Theme I: Overview of CMIP3 - Successes and Problems
Discussion lead by Karl Taylor - 10.30am: Coffee
- 10.45am: Theme I (continued)
Discussion lead by Gavin Schmidt - 12.00pm: Lunch (nearby facilities)
- 1pm: Theme II: Multi-Model weighting strategies
Discussion lead by Thomas Reichler - 3.30am: Coffee
- 3.45pm: Theme II (continued)
Discussion lead by Matthew Collins - 5pm: Close
- 7pm: Workshop dinner
Citrus Bar and Grill, 330 Amsterdam (cnr 75th St.) Map
- Tuesday, November 18: 9am - 5pm (Columbia SW C05)
- 9.00am: Theme II (continued)
Discussion lead by Ben Santer - 10.30am: Coffee
- 10.45am: Theme III: AR5 experiments and new strategies
Discussion lead by Phil Rasch - 12.00pm: Lunch (nearby facilities)
- 1pm: Theme III (continued)
Discussion lead by Karl Taylor - 3.30am: Coffee
- 3.45pm: Theme IV: Data Delivery, databases and Web 2.0
Discussion lead by Don Middleton - 5pm: Close
- 9.00am: Theme II (continued)
- Wednesday, November 19: 9am - 12.30pm (note location is now at GISS)
- 9.00am: Theme IV (continued)
Discussion lead by Joe Sirott - 10.30am: Coffee
- 10.45am: Workshop products/papers
- 12.15pm: Wrap-up
- 12.30pm: Close
- 9.00am: Theme IV (continued)
Note that we will be using two locations. On Monday and Tuesday (Nov 17 and 18), we will be in School of Social Work, room C05 which is just to the north of the main Columbia Campus. On Wednesday morning, we will be in the GISS 3rd Floor conference room (just to the south of main campus). It is a good 15 or 20 minutes walk from one to the other, so please check which one is the appropriate one for that day!
The rooms both have open wireless access. The SW room has individual Ethernet sockets as well.
If you are a Columbia ID card holder you can come along to the sessions in Social Work (Mon/Tue) at any point. If you aren't you need to let Chris know ahead of time so that you can be put on the entry list. For access to GISS on Wednesday all non-GISS attendees need to be on the list ahead of time, again, please email Chris.
Related activities
- Kevin Trenberth is visiting GISS and Lamont-Doherty as the Climate Center Guest Lecturer.
- The GLORY Science Team is meeting at GISS on Monday and Tuesday.
Funding and Sponsors
Limited funding is available from NASA MAP. Please contact the organisers (details below) for more details.
- Logistics: Christopher Shashkin cs10@columbia.edu Tel: 212-678-5543
- Agenda: Gavin Schmidt gschmidt@giss.nasa.gov Tel: 212-678-5627
Don Anderson (NASA), V. Balaji (GFDL), Cecilia Bitz (UW), Kevin W Bowman (JPL), Cai Wenju (CSIRO), Matthew Collins (UK Met Office), Beate Liepert (LDEO), Jialin Lin (OSU), Irina Marinov (MIT), Phil Rasch (UCAR), Thomas Reichler (U, Utah), Alan Robock (Rutgers), Ben Santer (LLNL), Edwin Schneider (IGES), Joe Sirott , Max Suarez (GSFC), Syktus Jozef (Qld Climate Change Centre), Taylor Karl (LLNL), Kevin Trenberth (UCAR), Duane Waliser (JPL), Lorenzo Polvani (U. Columbia), Alex Hall (UCLA), Ron Miller (GISS), Jim Hansen (GISS), Natassa Romanou (GISS), Drew Shindell (GISS), Mike Bauer (GISS), Hetal Jain (NOAA) , V Ramaswamy (NOAA), Arthur M. Greene (IRI), Don Middleton (UCAR), Tony DelGenio (GISS), John Fasullo (UCAR), Steve Sherwood (Yale), Leonard Smith (Oxford), Robert Tansley (Google), Adam Sobel (Columbia), Lisa Goddard (IRI) , Mark Cane (LDEO), David McGee (LDEO) , Peter Gleckler (LLNL)?, Chris Pennell (U. Utah)?, Anthony Broccoli (Rutgers)?, Andrew Gettelman (UCAR)? , Michaela Biasutti (LDEO)?, Ming Fang Ting (LDEO)?, Yohanan Kushnir (LDEO)?, Jay Fein (NSF)?'?' is unconfirmed