Climate Adaptation Science Investigators (CASI)

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Workgroup

Coastal flooding and sea level rise are critical issues because of the potential impacts on communities and ecosystems located near shorelines. As sea levels continue to rise, coastal regions are increasingly at risk of flooding, which can cause damage to infrastructure, disrupt transportation and commerce, and jeopardize public safety. Flooding can also lead to coastal erosion, which can harm the habitat of plants and animals, and have negative economic effects on coastal regions. Furthermore, sea level rise and coastal flooding can contribute to transnational issues such as the displacement of people and disruption of food supplies. Therefore, it is crucial to understand sea level rise and coastal flooding phenomena in order to address their potential impacts.

The Workgroup on Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding of the NASA Climate Adaptation Science Investigators (CASI), a partnership of NASA's Earth Science Division and Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI), builds on IPCC AR6 and the Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States: Updated Mean Projections and Extreme Water Level Probabilities Along U.S. Coastlines Interagency Technical Report on sea level rise projections. The CASI Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Workgroup aims to provide key information on increasing coastal risks to NASA Centers and their regions on a central portal that can be easily accessible.


Click to access NASA Sea Level Rise and Flooding tools or the Interagency Sea Level Rise Tool.


The points of contact for this workgroup are Benjamin Hamlington ( and John Murray (

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