Sea Ice Modeling: A Mini-Workshop
3. Workshop Agenda
Presentation | Speaker | |
Introductory Session (Chair: J. Morison; Rapporteur: M. Steele) |
Welcoming Remarks | J. Hansen | |
Objectives: View from NASA Polar Program Office | S. Gogineni | |
Recent Oceanographic Evidence for Arctic Change | M. Steele | |
Contrasting the Arctic and Antarctic | D. Martinson | |
Role of Sea Ice in Global Climate: The View from Climate Models | D. Rind | |
Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Objectives | J. Morison | |
Sea Ice and Climate Processes (Chair: W. Large; Rapporteur: M. Serreze) |
Polar Process Studies | J. Curry | |
Arctic Processes Analyzed from Data and Reanalysis | M. Serreze | |
Sea Ice Albedo: Temporal Evolution and Spatial Variability | T. Grenfell for D. Perovich | |
Sea Ice Albedo Parameterization in Global Models | T. Grenfell | |
Sea Ice Modeling Appropriate for Global Models (Chair: R. Bleck; Rapporteur: G Schmidt) |
Overview | G. Flato | |
Commentary: What's Important in Dynamical Sea Ice Models | B. Tremblay | |
Sea Ice in GISS Global Climate Model | G. Russell | |
The POLES coupled global sea-ice-ocean model | J. Zhang | |
Sea Ice in LANL Global Climate Model | E. Hunkee/W. Lipscomb | |
Sea Ice Modeling — Continuation (Chair: R. Bleck; Rapporteur: L. Nazarenko) |
Arctic Change and Antarctic Circumpolar Wave: High Resolution Modeling | Y. Zhang | |
Antarctic Sea Ice and Ocean Modeling | A. Stoessel | |
Sensitivity of a Global Ocean Model to Sea Ice Parameterization | M. Holland | |
Modeling the Sea Ice Thickness Distribution for Climate | C. Bitz | |
Global Sea Ice Data Sets (Chair: J. Hansen; Rapporteur: C. Parkinson) |
Sea Ice Change in the Twentieth Century | J. Walsh | |
Rationale and Status of Sea Ice Specification in GISST Data Set | N. Rayner | |
Intertangling of Sea Ice and SST Data Sets | T. Smith/R. Reynolds | |
Sea Ice Cover Change from Satellites: How Good Is It? | C. Parkinson/D. Cavalieri | |
Sea Ice Motion from Satellites: How Good Is It? | R. Kwok/T. Liu | |
NSCAT and SSM/I Data: Comparisons with Models | A. Liu | |
Summary Discussion |
Priorities for Sea Ice in Coupled Models | P. Stone and R. Bleck | |
An Atmosphere Perspective | P. Stone | |
An Ocean Perspective | R. Bleck | |
Improving Sea Ice Representation in Global Models | W. Large | |
Measurement Priorities | J. Francis |
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