Title: Juno at Jupiter - Plumbing the Depths of Its Dynamic Atmosphere Presenter: Michael Allison Abstract: Following its successful Jupiter orbit Insertion on July 4th, 2016, the Juno spacecraft has completed four succeeding "perijove" passes, flying pole-to-pole under the giant planet's synchrotron field for a close-up study of its deep atmosphere and interior. The imager (JunoCam) and infrared sounder (JIRAM) are showing spectacular new views of Jupiter's poles. And Juno's six channel microwave radiometer (MWR), designed to map the atmosphere from 1 to 100 bar levels, is affording a surprising new picture of its deep ammonia structure and implied circulation field. This talk will relate the challenges, progress, and promise of Juno's ongoing reconnaissance of dynamic Jupiter likely to continue for more than two more years.