GISS Wednesday Lunch Seminar Series

Archive of 2015 Presentations

Date / Speaker Abstract Presentation Video
January 13, 2016
Keren Mezuman and Chloe Gao Text PDF Gao N/A
January 20, 2016
Matthew Pearce Text PDF YouTube
January 27, 2016
Michael Way Text PDF YouTube
April 20, 2016
Delphine Deryng Text PDF YouTube
May 11, 2016
Kenneth Sinclair Text PDF N/A
May 25, 2016
Elizabeth Fischer Text N/A N/A
November 30, 2016
Keren Mezuman Text PDF N/A
December 7, 2016
Avi Persin Text PDF N/A

Presentation archives: current year, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2008.

PDF documents require the free Adobe Reader or compatible viewing software to be viewed. PowerPoint (PPT) files require Microsoft's PowerPoint or other compatible presentation software (e.g., Apple's KeyNote) to be viewed.

Presentations of videos not linked on YouTube but linked directly as MP3/MP4 files may be viewed on macOS and Windows platforms using Quicktime player, and on Linux using xine or mplayer. Videos marked "req" are only available upon request.

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