Predicting the Mineral Composition of Dust Aerosols With an Earth System Model (NASA GISS ModelE2) Soil dust aerosols created by wind erosion are typically assigned globally uniform physical and chemical properties within Earth system models, despite known regional variations in the mineral content of the parent soils. Mineral composition of the aerosol particles is important to their interaction with climate, including shortwave absorption and radiative forcing, nucleation of cloud droplets and ice crystals, coating by heterogeneous uptake of sulfates and nitrates, and atmospheric processing of iron into bioavailable forms that increase the productivity of marine phytoplankton. Here, aerosol mineral composition is derived by extending a method that provides the composition of wet-sieved soils. The extension accounts for measurements showing significant differences between the mineral fractions of wet-sieved soils and the ones of dust aerosols after emission. We reconstruct the mineral fractions of the dust aggegrates that are emitted, by applying brittle fragmentation theory, which accounts for dust emission by saltation (i.e., dust emission up to about 16 um particle diameter). We complement this approach by constraining the size distribution of the mineral fractions that are emitted in the silt size range, with data derived from measurements to account also for the emission of larger sized particles due to aerodynamic entrainment. In addition, a method is proposed for mixing minerals with small impurities composed of iron oxides. These mixtures are important for transporting iron far from the dust sources, because pure iron oxides are more dense and vulnerable to gravitational removal than most minerals comprising dust aerosols. We use the above methods to distinguish eight mineral phases of dust as individual tracers in NASA GISS ModelE2: illite, kaolinite, smectite, carbonates, quartz, feldspar, gypsum, and iron oxides as well as accretions between iron oxides and the other minerals. Emission, transport, and deposition of these mineral tracers are simulated. A global compilation from nearly sixty measurement studies is used to evaluate the mineral composition of the dust aerosols, which is predicted with ModelE2.