Maxwell Kelley Title: Ocean Modeling at GISS: Challenges and Perspectives Abstract: Covering >70% of the Earth's surface and having a spectrum of timescales ranging from months to >1000 years, the ocean has long been recognized to play multiple roles in the climate system. The ability of ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) to explore these roles has improved, but a number of challenges remain in the construction of OGCMs suitable for coupled simulations on decadal to millennial timescales. In the context of my recent experiences working with the GISS OGCM, I will present examples of these issues, focusing primarily on their impacts on the ocean's global temperature structure and its circulation metrics at high latitudes, briefly examining ENSO variability and a climate-change scenario as well. Specific exultations and lamentations will discuss (1) the stringent requirements on freshwater fluxes (2) the representation of unresolved transports (3) the importance of the details of bathymetry (4) the long timescales (5) differences between ocean-only and coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations (6) numerics