GISS Wednesday Lunch Seminar Series
Michael Way, 2011-04-27
I would like to lead a discussion of several papers (along the lines of a journal club discussion) from the past year discussing the "Faint Young Sun Paradox".
Caleb Scharf will give a brief introduction to the topic while I will present a couple slides based on the papers below so that we are all on the same footing.
I suggest people read or scan the following to participate in this discussion:
January 2010: "Can thin cirrus clouds in the tropics provide a solution to the faint young Sun paradox?", Rondanelli & Lindzen, JGR
April 2010: "No climate paradox under the faint early Sun", Rosing et al., Nature
April 2010: "Faint young Sun redux", Kasting 2010, Nature
June 2010: "Fractal Organic Hazes Provided an Ultraviolet Shield for Early Earth, Wolf and Toon, Science
June 2010: "Countering the Early Faint Sun", Chyba, Science
November 2010: "The Hazy Details of Early Earth's Atmosphere", Science Letters
February 2011: "Clouds and the Faint Young Sun Paradox", Goldblatt and Zahnle
April 2011: "Paradox Earth: III", Caleb Scharf (blog posting)
Background reading:
Sept 1982: "Cloud Feedback: A Stabilizing Effect for the Early Earth?", Rossow et al. Science
Only read this one if you have the time. It is long and is slighly out of date:
"Evolution of a Habitable Planet", Kasting and Catling 2003 ARAA