Aerosol indirect effect using a fast and accurate global aerosol microphysics model Yunha Lee Aerosols can enhance cloud albedo and modify precipitation efficiency by acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). These two aerosol indirect effects are the most uncertain climate forcings. The large uncertainty in estimates of the aerosol indirect effect is due partly to uncertainties in CCN predictions and can be improved with appropriate simulation of aerosol number and size. The TwO- Moment Aerosol Sectional (TOMAS) microphysics model incorporated in the Goddard Institute for Space Studies General Circulation Model II' (GISS GCM II') predicts accurately the evolution of aerosol number by aerosol microphysical processes such as condensation and coagulation. My doctoral research at Carnegie Mellon University focuses on two broad topic areas: a) the improvements of GISS-TOMAS model and b) the study of aerosol indirect effects using the improved GISS-TOMAS model. This seminar will cover the latter. First, the impact of mitigation of black carbon (BC) particulate matter on aerosol indirect forcing is studied. Mitigation of BC has been suggested as a strategy complementary to reduction of greenhouse gases due to its positive top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) direct radiative forcing. However, BC-containing emissions can contribute to the CCN population when those particles become internally mixed with hydrophilic aerosol components, and a decrease in BC mass result in a reduction in TOA cloud radiative forcing. This study shows that the reduction in aerosol indirect forcing by the BC mitigation partly offsets the reduction in TOA direct BC radiative forcing, which might indicate less climate benefits by the BC mitigation than what has been suggested. Second, we investigated the uncertainty of nucleation on cloud microphysical properties, such as cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC), cloud droplet effective radius (Reff), and aerosol indirect forcing using the GISS-TOMAS model. The predicted rates of new particle formation (nucleation) by different nucleation theories varies by several orders of magnitude, which may affect atmospheric CCN concentrations, clouds and indirect forcing. Among several nucleation theories available, two nucleation mechanisms are chosen for this study to represent the overall uncertainty in nucleation rates: the binary (H2O-H2SO4) nucleation parameterization based on Vehkamaki et al. [2002] is used as a lower bound on nucleation rates, and the ternary (H2O-H2SO4- NH3) nucleation parameterization based on Napari et al. [2002] is used as the upper bound of nucleation rates. The global difference in nucleation rates (binary vs. ternary) is ~10^6, but for CN10 is ~2 and CDNC is ~10%. The choice of nucleation scheme influences the increase of global-average of CDNC from the preindustrial to the present-day (87% for the binary nucleation and 62% for the ternary nucleation) and the decrease of global-average of cloud albedo forcing (-0.89 W m-2 for binary nucleation and -0.65 W m-2 for ternary nucleation).