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New York Workshop on Computer, Earth, and Space Sciences 2011


Thursday, Feb 24
Time Speaker Title Abstract Talk Video
10:00-10:20 Michael Way and Catherine Naud
Introductions, Coffee, Setup Text PDF YouTube
10:20-10:45 Victor de la Pena
How long will it take. A historical approach to boundary crossing. Text PDF YouTube
10:45-11:30 Eyal Kazin
Cosmology through the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe Text PDF, Keynote YouTube
11:30-12:15 William Heavlin
(Google Inc)
On the shoulders of Gauss, Bessel, and Poisson: links, chunks, spheres, and conditional models Text PDF YouTube
12:15-1:00 Kirk Borne
(George Mason Univ)
Mining Citizen Science Data: Machine Learning Challenges Text PDF YouTube
1:00-2:30 LUNCH BREAK
2:30-3:15 Claire Monteleoni
Tracking Climate Models: Advances in Climate Informatics Text PDF YouTube
3:15-4:00 Kevin Knuth
Spectral Analysis Methods for Complex Source Mixtures Text PDF YouTube
4:00-4:45 Joshua Peek
Beyond Objects: Using machines to understand the diffuse universe Text PDF, Keynote YouTube
4:45-5:00 Michael Way
Viewpoints: A high-performance visualization and analysis tool Text PDF YouTube

Friday, Feb 25
Time Speaker Title Abstract Talk Video
10:00-10:40 Christian Klose
(Think GeoHazards)
Clustering Approach for Partitioning Directional Data in Earth and Space Sciences Text PDF YouTube
10:45-11:30 Jon Jenkins
Planetary Detection: The Kepler Mission Text PDF YouTube
11:30-12:15 Elizabeth Martinez-Gomez
(Center for Astrostatistics)
Understanding the possible influence of the solar activity on the terrestrial climate: A times series analysis approach Text PDF YouTube
12:15-1:00 Tom Loredo
Bayesian adaptive exploration applied to optimal scheduling of exoplanet Radial Velocity observations Text PDF YouTube
1:00-2:30 LUNCH BREAK
2:30-3:15 Tamas Budavari
(Johns Hopkins Univ)
Bayesian Inference from Photometric Surveys Text PDF YouTube
3:15-4:00 Dimitris Giannakis
Long-Range Forecasts Using Data Clustering and Information Theory Text PDF, avi, mp4 YouTube
4:00-4:45 Deniz Gencaga
(City College of New York)
Comparison of Information-Theoretic Methods to estimate the information flow in a dynamical system Text PDF YouTube
4:45-5:30 Duane Lee (Columbia/Astronomy) and Will Jessop (Statistics) Reconstructing the Galactic halo's accretion history: A finite mixture model approach Text PDF YouTube

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