Title: Automated calibration, or generating and trusting astronomical meta-data Abstract: We have built a reliable and robust system that takes as input an astronomical image, and returns as output the pointing, scale, and orientation of that image (the astrometric calibration or WCS information). The system uses computer vision techniques; it requires no first guess, and works with the information in the image pixels alone. The success rate is better than 99.9 percent for contemporary near-ultraviolet and visual imaging survey data, with no false positives. We can also calibrate (at low accuracy) the date at which the image was taken, the bandpass, and the photometric sensitivity. We are using this system to generate consistent and standards-compliant meta-data for all digital and digitized astronomical imaging, no matter what its archival state, including imaging from plate repositories, individual scientific investigators, and amateurs. This is necessary for worldwide systems like the "virtual observatory" that depend on reliable meta-data but have no explicit trust model. For us it is the first step in a program of making all of the world's heterogeneous astronomical imaging data interoperable.