Title: Stochastic Monte Carlo methods for non-linear statistical inverse problems Abstract: Non-linear inverse problems using sparse measurement sets suffer from difficulties of non Gaussian uncetainty distributions and multiple maximum a posteriori solutions. As an example, lidar instrumentation can estimate aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients at a limited number of wavelengths, typically lower than the number of degrees of freedom of aerosol models. Acurate uncertainty assesment is crucial to situations such as this one. Uncertainty is represented in the form of a posterior probability density function (PDF). This can include a prior PDF which can be incorporated as a more robust alternative to parameter constraints. The posterior PDF can theoretically be used to assess uncertainty of specific aerosol properties in the form of a derived marginal PDF, however it is not computationally practical with PDFs having more than a few dimensions. In the approach that I present for performing uncertainty assesments the Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to generate samples of aerosol model parameters congruent with their posterior PDF. The method is effectivly a blending of Metropolis-Hastings, genetic algorithm, and Gauss-Newton inverse method, and can deal with the difficulties put forth.